Sakura (Cherry Blossom)

I still remember one morning of April, when my mother came into the room I was sleeping and said to me "Let's go to Kyoto to see sakura." I asked "When?" "Today," she said.
So we got prepared and rushed to Shinagawa station, got on the bullet train, and after 3 hours, we were in Kyoto.
Arashiyama bamboo forest and the dragon temple

Kyoto is a perfect model of a city co-living with nature. Traditional Japanese style is all about co-existing with, respecting, and appreciating nature.

Things to do in Kyoto
It is also a mature city. There is no cheap crappy aspect in any of the creatures remaining in this city.

There are so numerous things you can enjoy in Kyoto. Food, temples and shirines, and buying artistic handcrafts with very precise techniques. You can also pay around 12,000JPY to wear kimono and makeup of maiko (Note, it is NOT Geisha!) and walk around the city for half day. This is so much fun.

"Kiyomizu-dera" and "Goju-no-to" are typical touristic spots. There are always so many tourists throughout year, both Japaneses and non-Japanese, but it is always very attractive destination in every season.