Roman ruins

All the hotels, B&B and hostels were full in Saintes Maries de la Mer, so we had no choice but to stay 1 night in the neighbouring town, Arles. So it was not even in our original plan.
However as soon as we arrived, I knew I love this town. There are so many ruins everywhere, almost like Rome, and the view of the town is just so pretty.
Later I found out that this area was registered to UNESCO World Heritage site as Arles, Roman and Romanesque Monuments.
The hotel we stayed was close to Thermes de Constantin. When we took a walk, we immidiately hit the enormous arena, Les Arènes.
Wehn I hear Arles, it makes me think of the Van Gogh painting, "Le Pont de l'Anglois", however this bridge painted in this famous artwork does not exsist anymore. There was apperantly the rebuilt version but it was a bit far so we didn't spare time to go there.
Sunset is beautiful over the River Petit Rhône. Arles is best to come with your partner. It is so romantic.

Hotel du Musée

It was perfect weather in Arles. Not too hot yet, dry and sunny, it was like a paradise for me. It made me feel so happy just to be alive and exist at that moment.
It was almost a random choice but our hotel, called Hotel du Musée, was reasonable yet very cozy and pretty hotel, and I was extremely in good mood all the time. Breakfast was served in the beautiful patio.
I wish I could live here. The colors of Provence is my favourite and the climate is perfect.
But we had to make it to Saintes Maries de la MerSaintes Maries de la Mer while the festival is going on. We took the bus in the next morning.
Hotel du Musée website: